Mercury Amateur Radio Assoc. (Alberta)
Ham Radio Licence
Here is a link to one file maintained by one of our members (VE6MU), which has useful information for self-study:
The materials referenced in this document will allow you to complete a self-study of the topic, which will prepare you to take the Amateur Radio Licence exam (Basic). The complete database of questions is available, along with a program that allows you to compile (and mark/check) your own practise exam (all described in the document).
Classes Offered Elsewhere
CARA and FARS have information or offer classes for the Basic Ham Radio licence - you can access this information on their web sites:
You can also access information on classes for both Basic and Advanced Ham Radio licences on the RAC web site:
The RAC web page also references other clubs throughout Canada that offer similar courses.
How To Contact Us
Send an e-mail to: