Mercury Amateur Radio Assoc. (Alberta)
2024 Memberships are now due!!
The annual dues for a member of Mercury Alberta are $5 per person or $10 per family. They are due on January 1 of each year. Past members are asked to renew immediately, which can be done by downloading and filling out the following form (with any updated information), and e-mailing it to Then please scroll down to the bottom of the page to make a payment.
NOTE: You need to download, fill out and send us the form AND you need to make a payment below.
Membership Registration Form E-mail to
Mercury Alberta's commitment to PRIVACY OF INFORMATION: Mercury Alberta will not sell or give your information for commercial interests or thir party marketing. The information you give to Mercury Alberta will only be used for Mercury Albert'a purposes, approved by the Board from time to time.
INFORMATION CONSENT: By joining Mercury Alberta Amateur Radio Association (ALBERTA) (i.e., by clicking on the "Pay Now" button below), I agree to the collections and retention of my personal information for all purposes relating to Mercury Alberta's operation as an association. I also give my permission for the non-commerical distribution of my contact information in conjunction with the activities of Mercury Alberta, in the form and at the time directed by the executive of Mercury Alberta.
You will receive e-mails from Mercury Alberta on occasion to inform you of meetings, activities, voting, etc. If you wish to NOT receive this informaiton, please replay to any such e-mail using "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line.
2024 Memberships are now due. If you have not renewed, please do so immediately!! You can pay via PayPal by clicking below.